***************************************** MICROSOFT VISIO DATABASE WIZARD README FILE ***************************************** Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This README.TXT file covers the following topics 1. Visio sample database files 2. Notes about the Database Wizard 3. Notes about the Database Wizard and Excel *************************************** Section 1 - Visio sample database files *************************************** The following sample files are shipped as part of the Visio installations in the DATABASE\SAMPLES sub-directory. a) DBSAMPLE.MDB - a sample Access 95 database containing tables of data and queries which create views and summaries of the data in the tables. b) Sample Database Airplane Seating.vsd / Sample Database Airplane Seating (US units).vsd - a sample drawing representing the seating arrangements on an airplane. The drawing is connected to the sample database when opened and modifications to the passenger shapes in the drawing are also made in the database. c) Sample Database Shapes.vss / Sample Database Shapes (US units).vss - a sample stencil containing a number of sample shapes that are linked to the tables and queries in the sample database. ******************************************* Section 2 - Notes about the Database Wizard ******************************************* The Database Wizard links Visio shapes and drawings to ODBC data sources. It allows data to be copied to and from Visio shapes and tables in these data sources. The Database Wizard does not support the following: a) ODBC Strings longer than 64K characters to be stored in Visio cells and fields. b) Database Key fields of the following types: SQL_TIMESTAMP c) Updating of replication ID's in Access. d) Updating of Timestamp fields in Informix e) ODBC Binary fields longer than 32K to be stored in Visio cells and fields. In addition, the Visio internal storage for numeric values is as double floating point numbers and so numbers with a large degree of precision will be stored as approximate values. ***************************************************** Section 3 - Notes about the Database Wizard and Excel ***************************************************** a) The Excel ODBC driver does not support deletion of rows in Excel. As a work-around, the Database Wizard marks rows as deleted by setting text fields to #ROW DELETED# and numeric fields to 0. This means that 0 and #ROW DELETED# are treated as an invalid key for Wizard operations such as UPDATE, SELECT, REFRESH, etc. b) The Database Wizard can create tables in Microsoft Excel files through the define table option. Tables created in Excel 5.0 or later are stored on separate sheets in the Excel file and the records are marked as a named range. To access an existing table in an Excel file via ODBC you will need to create a named range in the Excel file which includes all of the rows and columns in the table. Note: the text in the first row of the named range is used as the table column names. ************************************************** END OF MICROSOFT VISIO DATABASE WIZARD README FILE **************************************************